
60 pounds

Vedder is the torque of the team, big, strong, and sweet! This guy was the third born pup in the Pearl Jam litter (Pearl, Jam, and Vedder) and arrived a full 24 hours after his sister Pearl. Needless to say he was a pleasant surprise and his calm and sweet demeanor help to balance out his brother and sister’s how do I say… neurotic behavior. (Eddie) Vedder is the biggest dog in the team and like his brother Jam has an effortless gait and never-ending attitude. Vedder loves challenging trail and is at his best in tough conditions like fresh snow, wind drifts, and big hills. If you met Vedder on a tour with us you will likely remember him for his mellow personality that always stands out from the rest of the team. This perpetually chubby guy has a very efficient metabolism despite his large size, regardless of temperature and conditions.

Due to a under active thyroid, Vedder is now a permanent house pet and continues to run winter tours with me and the rest of the DHRK crew.

Vedder is sponsored by Mary Lou Perri

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